PIC18F8620 PIC18F8621 PIC18F8622 PIC18F8627 PIC18F8628 PIC18F8680 PIC18F86J10 PIC18F86J11 PIC18F86J15 PIC18F86J16 PIC18F86J50 PIC18F86J55 PIC18F86J60 PIC18F86J65 PIC18F86J72 PIC18F86J90 PIC18F86J93 PIC18F86J94 PIC18F86J99 PIC18F86K22 PIC18F86K90 PIC18F8720 PIC18F8722 PIC18F8723 PIC18F87J10 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F87J50 PIC18F87J60 PIC18F87J72 PIC18F87J90 PIC18F87J93 PIC18F87J94 PIC18F87K22 PIC18F87K90 PIC18F95J94 PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F96J94 PIC18F96J99 PIC18F97J60 PIC18F97J94PIC18F85K90
Support summary
ICSP Connection
All VSS and VDD pins must be connected. Even if one of these pins is not connected, programming may fail.
Refer to the datasheet for alternative connections of ENVREG pin.
LVP Programming
Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) can only be used for these PIC devices if the MCLRE configuration bit is enabled. Fresh (unprogrammed) devices have MCLRE bit set and therefore they can be programmed. It is impossible to disable MCLRE bit during LVP programming, but if the device has been previously programmed with HVP programmer, the MCLRE bit may have been disabled.
When brown-out is enabled with BOREN configuration bit, LVP is only possible when the VDD voltage is above the brown-out threshold.
These limitations may be avoided with High-Voltage Programming (HVP). NSDSP-2 can generate high voltage for HVP internally. NSDSP-1 cannot, therefore NSDSP-1 requires NSHVX or an external circuit for HVP.
HVP Programming
NSDSP-2 can program PIC18F85K90 with HVP.
With NSDSP-1, HVP programming is possible, but only with NSHVX High Voltage Extension or an external HVP circuit.
Target Voltage below 2.7V
If voltage is less than 2.7V it is impossible to bulk erase the device. Unless the PIC device is code protected, NSDSP still can program the device, however, without the bulk erase it takes longer.
NSDSP cannot detect target voltage and it assumes that the voltage is above 2.7V. This ensures fast programming at usual voltages. However, if you want to program at voltages below 2.7V, you must specify the actual target voltage through programming software, or the programming will fail. If you specify the voltage below 2.7V NSDSP will apply special programming algorithm, which does not use bulk erase, but is slower than the regular algorithm.
If you are programming a device which is code protected, NSDSP cannot remove protection if the voltage is below 2.7V.
When programming at voltages below 2.7V, NSDSP tries to save time, and therefore does not erase data EEPROM unless some part of data EEPROM needs to be programmed. If erasing data EEPROM is necessary, you can erase the device manually before programming.
NSDSP firmware contains all the necessary provisions for debugging PIC18F85K90 and may be debugged when debugging software becomes available.
PIC18F85K90 uses ordered haliting, has 3 hardware breakpoints.
Debugging does not consume resources in the user space.
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