PIC18F86J72 PIC18F86J90 PIC18F86J93 PIC18F86J94 PIC18F86J99 PIC18F86K22 PIC18F86K90 PIC18F8720 PIC18F8722 PIC18F8723 PIC18F87J10 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F87J50 PIC18F87J60 PIC18F87J72 PIC18F87J90 PIC18F87J93 PIC18F87J94 PIC18F87K22 PIC18F87K90 PIC18F95J94 PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F96J94 PIC18F96J99 PIC18F97J60 PIC18F97J94PIC18F86J65
Support summary
ICSP Connection
This PIC device is equipped with extremely low endurance flash. The datasheet specification guarantees only 100 erase/write cycles. It is easy to wear the flash out during development.
All VSS and VDD pins must be connected. Even if one of these pins is not connected, programming may fail.
Refer to the datasheet for alternative connections of ENVREG pin.
NSDSP firmware contains all the necessary provisions for debugging PIC18F86J65 and may be debugged when debugging software becomes available.
PIC18F86J65 uses ordered haliting, has 3 hardware breakpoints.
Debugging does not consume resources in the user space.
This device can only be debugged when it runs at 2MHz or faster. This can only be accomplished with external clock source.
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