PIC18F27Q84 PIC18F4220 PIC18F4221 PIC18F4320 PIC18F4321 PIC18F4331 PIC18F43K20 PIC18F43K22 PIC18F4410 PIC18F442 PIC18F4420 PIC18F4423 PIC18F4431 PIC18F4450 PIC18F4455 PIC18F4458 PIC18F448 PIC18F4480 PIC18F44J10 PIC18F44J11 PIC18F44J50 PIC18F44K20 PIC18F44K22 PIC18F44Q71 PIC18F4510 PIC18F4515 PIC18F452 PIC18F4520 PIC18F4523 PIC18F4525 PIC18F4550 PIC18F4553 PIC18F458 PIC18F4580 PIC18F4585 PIC18F45J10 PIC18F45J11 PIC18F45J50 PIC18F45K20 PIC18F45K22 PIC18F45K40 PIC18F45K42 PIC18F45K50 PIC18F45K80 PIC18F45Q10 PIC18F45Q24 PIC18F45Q43 PIC18F45Q71 PIC18F4610 PIC18F4620 PIC18F4680 PIC18F4682 PIC18F4685 PIC18F46J11 PIC18F46J13 PIC18F46J50 PIC18F46J53 PIC18F46K20 PIC18F46K22 PIC18F46K40 PIC18F46K42 PIC18F46K80 PIC18F46Q10 PIC18F46Q24 PIC18F46Q43 PIC18F46Q71 PIC18F46Q83 PIC18F46Q84 PIC18F47J13 PIC18F47J53 PIC18F47K40 PIC18F47K42 PIC18F47Q10 PIC18F47Q43 PIC18F47Q83 PIC18F47Q84 PIC18F54Q71 PIC18F55K42 PIC18F55Q24 PIC18F55Q43 PIC18F55Q71 PIC18F56K42 PIC18F56Q24 PIC18F56Q43 PIC18F56Q71 PIC18F56Q83 PIC18F56Q84 PIC18F57K42 PIC18F57Q43 PIC18F57Q83 PIC18F57Q84 PIC18F6310 PIC18F6390 PIC18F6393 PIC18F63J11 PIC18F63J90 PIC18F6410 PIC18F6490 PIC18F6493 PIC18F64J11 PIC18F64J90 PIC18F6520 PIC18F6525 PIC18F6527 PIC18F6585 PIC18F65J10 PIC18F65J11 PIC18F65J15 PIC18F65J50 PIC18F65J90 PIC18F65J94 PIC18F65K22 PIC18F65K40 PIC18F65K80 PIC18F65K90 PIC18F6620 PIC18F6621 PIC18F6622 PIC18F6627 PIC18F6628 PIC18F6680 PIC18F66J10 PIC18F66J11 PIC18F66J15 PIC18F66J16 PIC18F66J50 PIC18F66J55 PIC18F66J60 PIC18F66J65 PIC18F66J90 PIC18F66J93 PIC18F66J94 PIC18F66J99 PIC18F66K22 PIC18F66K40 PIC18F66K80 PIC18F66K90 PIC18F6720 PIC18F6722 PIC18F6723 PIC18F67J10 PIC18F67J11 PIC18F67J50 PIC18F67J60 PIC18F67J90 PIC18F67J93 PIC18F67J94 PIC18F67K22 PIC18F67K40 PIC18F67K90 PIC18F8310 PIC18F8390 PIC18F8393 PIC18F83J11 PIC18F83J90 PIC18F8410 PIC18F8490 PIC18F8493 PIC18F84J11 PIC18F84J90 PIC18F8520 PIC18F8525 PIC18F8527 PIC18F8585 PIC18F85J10 PIC18F85J11 PIC18F85J15 PIC18F85J50 PIC18F85J90 PIC18F85J94 PIC18F85K22 PIC18F85K90 PIC18F8620 PIC18F8621 PIC18F8622 PIC18F8627 PIC18F8628 PIC18F8680 PIC18F86J10 PIC18F86J11 PIC18F86J15 PIC18F86J16 PIC18F86J50 PIC18F86J55 PIC18F86J60 PIC18F86J65 PIC18F86J72 PIC18F86J90 PIC18F86J93 PIC18F86J94 PIC18F86J99 PIC18F86K22 PIC18F86K90 PIC18F8720 PIC18F8722 PIC18F8723 PIC18F87J10 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F87J50 PIC18F87J60 PIC18F87J72 PIC18F87J90 PIC18F87J93 PIC18F87J94 PIC18F87K22 PIC18F87K90 PIC18F95J94 PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F96J94 PIC18F96J99 PIC18F97J60 PIC18F97J94PIC18F27Q83
Support summary
ICSP Connection
All VSS and VDD pins must be connected. Even if one of these pins is not connected, programming may fail.
Programming is impossible at voltages below 2.7V.
LVP Programming
Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) can only be used for these PIC devices if the LVP configuration bit is enabled. Fresh (unprogrammed) devices have LVP bit set and therefore they can be programmed. It is impossible to disable LVP bit during LVP programming, but if the device has been previously programmed with HVP programmer, the LVP bit may have been disabled.
When brown-out is enabled with BOREN configuration bit, LVP is only possible when the VDD voltage is above the brown-out threshold.
These limitations may be avoided with High-Voltage Programming (HVP). NSDSP-2 can generate high voltage for HVP internally. NSDSP-1 cannot, therefore NSDSP-1 requires NSHVX or an external circuit for HVP.
HVP Programming
NSDSP-2 can program PIC18F27Q83 with HVP.
With NSDSP-1, HVP programming is possible, but only with NSHVX High Voltage Extension or an external HVP circuit.
Programming Benchmarks
We have measured time necessary to program and verify PIC18F27Q83.
Operation | NSDSP version 102+ | Earlier versions | Programming and Verification | 18.5s | 22.8s | Programming only | 17.7s | 19.0s | Verification only | 2.2s | 2.2s |
The measurements reflect the time necessary to program/verify the entire chip, including all user programmable memory areas and very slow data EEPROM.
NSDSP firmware contains all the necessary provisions for debugging PIC18F27Q83 and may be debugged when debugging software becomes available.
PIC18F27Q83 uses ordered haliting, has 3 hardware breakpoints.
Debugging does not consume resources in the user space.
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