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NSDSP Software Development Kit (SDK)

NSDSP SDK contains source code and examples which can be used to establish comminications to your microcontroller through NSDSP from your program written in C or C#.

The communication can use either UART through dedicated UART pins or SPI through ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK. It is also possible to manipulate MCLR and PGM/RTS pins.

The SDK does not require special drivers, is free and open source.


NSZ file generation

NSZ files are used by NSDS Gang Programmer and nsprog for serial programming. Simple files can be generated by NSDS Gang Programmer. More complex files may require custom generation.

The example C source code demonstrates how to generate an NSZ file. It can be used as a template for your custom NSZ generation. The enclosed example can be compiled on Windows, Mac, or Linux.


USB-to-UART interface through NSDSP

The UART interface examples are obsolete and suprceded by NSDSP SDK which contains all the UART examples and more.

The ns_uart library contains the C source code necessary to establish comminications to your microcontroller through NSDSP UART connector. The source code is provided for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The file also contains 3 examples with detailed explanations.

The ns_uart library does not require special drivers, is free and open source.


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