dsPIC33EV64GM003 dsPIC33EV64GM004 dsPIC33EV64GM006 dsPIC33EV64GM102 dsPIC33EV64GM103 dsPIC33EV64GM104 dsPIC33EV64GM106dsPIC33EV64GM002
Support summary
ICSP Connection
dsPIC33EV64GM002 has more than one pair of PGECx and PGEDx pins. You can use any pair, but you must use them as a pair. For example, if PGEC2 is used for ICSPCLK, then ICSPDAT must be connected to PGED2.
All VSS and VDD pins must be connected. Even if one of these pins is not connected, programming may fail.
NSDSP firmware contains all the necessary provisions for debugging dsPIC33EV64GM002 and may be debugged when debugging software becomes available.
dsPIC33EV64GM002 uses unordered halting, has 8 hardware breakpoints.
Debugging does not consume resources in the user space.
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